Every AMUG CD-ROM purchaser receives a FREE 30 day membership in the Arizona Macintosh Users Group. To get a FREE newsletter as well simply print and send the form below to AMUG, 4131 N. 24th Street Suite A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016.
If you wish to obtain a full one year membership, “BBS in a BOX” registered users can do so by sending $36.00 to AMUG at the address above.
Include $36.00 for 1 year membership or just send this in for a FREE Newsletter!
Send to: AMUG 4131 N. 24th Street A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016 or FAX (602) 553-8771
The Arizona Macintosh Users Group (AMUG‚Ñ¢) is a non-profit 501-C3 organization incorporated in the State of Arizona. It's purpose is to provide education and assistance to it's members in the use of Macintosh Computers and related products. If you are not a member, there are several ways you can join. One is to just come to a meeting. Meetings are generally open to the public. Although you may be urged to join if you attend a meeting, the sell will be soft, a hard sell is not necessary once you become aware of all the services offered. To find out about meeting schedules you can call the Information Hotline, (602) 277-5142 or our offices at (602) 553-8966. However, to get yourself on the mailing list and eligible to log on to the Bulletin Board System you may wish to mail-in your membership application. An application can be found in this stack
AMUG is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other commercial enterprise. Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark licensed to Apple Computer, Inc. AMUG and its officers assume no liability or responsibility for products or services advertised in our Newsletter or other AMUG publications, or made available through our library or Bulletin Board System.
In a similar vein, software publishers or members of AMUG often demonstrate hardware or software at meetings. This should not be taken as an AMUG endorsement or recommendation for those products. Theses demonstrations should be taken simply as another source of information for your private use in acquiring hardware or software.
AMUG officers and others who help with its activities are unpaid volunteers (although membership extension is offered to officers who serve a full year). The bylaws state that all members are expected to lend service to the club once a year. If you are willing to offer some help in club activities please contact us by any of the means indicated herein and leave the particulars. By helping AMUG, you are helping others, and it is likely you will be the greatest benefactor.
Arizona Macintosh User's Group‚Ñ¢
4131 N. 24th Street Suite A-120
Phoenix, AZ 85016
AppleLink: UG0116
America On-Line: AMUG
Internet: Bean@Amug.Org
AMUG Hotline: (602) 277-5142
Resource Center (602) 553-8966
Resource Center (602) 553-8771 FAX
AMUG I BBS (modem only): (602) 553-0749
AMUG Preferred (modem only): (602) 553-0721
AMUG Australia: (613) 848-2915
AMUG Membership
4131 N. 24th Street Suite A-120
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Membership Info: (602) 553-8966
Mail Order Coordinator - Mike Bromley - Send $3.00 to AMUG for
a copy of our Library Stack and Mail Order Listings (602) 553-8966